Pyramid Enthrallment

The Pyramids of Giza have long been on my bucket list.  I think my first real fascination with them began in grade school.  I had daydreams that featured me living in antiquity amongst the Egyptian royals.  It didn’t help matters any that my fifth grade history book contained photographs of the Egyptian pyramids and the Sphinx.  Thus were planted the seeds of my interest in archaeology and ancient civilizations.

I still remember the tour of the treasures from King Tutankhamun’s tomb. Egyptology was riding a crest of popularity that only magnified my interest in very ancient times.  What’s not to enjoy?  Lush, fabulous treasures of gold and valuable jewels.  The mysteries of mummies and hieroglyphic language.  The star attraction, of course, being the world’s most famous architectural marvels of all time.  The stunning crown of achievement being the Great Pyramid of Khufu.
The Khufu pyramid has been the subject of much folklore and mythology for centuries.  Who could resist not telling fantastic stories about such a grand monument?

Before the recent discoveries of the methods of transport and placement of the building blocks, many mythical stories had been imagined and told.

Many a minstrel has come up with explanations ranging from space aliens to citizens from the fabled “lost continent” of Atlantis.  The stories are enjoyable entertainment that is much more romantic than the practical explanations now understood by modern archaeologists.

Still, the perennial interest and fascination with the Khufu pyramid has not waned at all.  In fact, the pragmatic descriptions of its construction have only made the monumental structure even more interesting to a wider variety of people.

With our greater historical understanding of the construction of the Khufu pyramid, has come a deeper understanding of the complex, colorful history of the ancient Egyptian civilization and its several dynasties.  There is a seemingly endless number of subjects and categories to investigate from those magnificent years, so many centuries ago.

It’s not at all surprising that the fascination with the Giza Pyramids, specifically the Khufu pyramid has found its way into contemporary popular culture and even marketing. Among my knick knacks and collectables is a product named “Pyramid Power”.  It’s a scale model crystal pyramid based upon the same ratios as the Khufu pyramid.  A very small model, at a modest four-inches, it’s quite portable.  I keep mine inside the protective plastic container to avoid getting fingerprints on the crystal.

Supposedly, if you place razor blades underneath the plastic housing, they will become more sharp.  I tried it out with some razor blades I use to scrape glue and paint from glass.  They remained dull.

I tried out my favorite cheese knife and experimented with my Swiss Army knife.  There was no change.  For awhile, I even placed my electric shaver under the pyramid.  The blades remained dull, so I had to purchase a replacement cutter block and screen.  Oh well.  The experiments were a lot of fun.  Of course the pyramid must be aligned with a compass.  I carefully did so for each experiment.

I still enjoy having my own crystal pyramid and have even placed it on my shrine as an object of meditation.  I like that the product came packaged in an attractive box with a magnetic fastened lid.  The small booklet is a thoughtful touch to the entire package.  It tells a very condensed story about the Great Pyramid.  It also explains how to set up and use your own crystal pyramid.

The best part?  It reminded me of my youthful interest in Egyptology and ancient history.  Both subjects contain more information and fascination than  can be effectively studied in one lifetime.


The Blue Jay of Happiness loves the many anecdotes about mummified stray cats within the Khufu pyramid.

About swabby429

An eclectic guy who likes to observe the world around him and comment about those observations.
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