Using Planters …Floral Friday

Ceramic planter vases are versatile containers in the floral arts. They are often used to present centerpieces and table displays. Some people use them as houseplant window trays. I use them however my imagination decides. We have three planters today for experiments.

The first one is a mid-20th century “atomic” style planter in neon yellow. A Japanese-import Bonsai is at home in a bed of aquarium gravel. The vintage wooden doll adds balance.

The black USA Pottery jardinière is accented with fire-orange drips. A wooly lambs ear houseplant is at home in this planter. A mid-century Channel Master transistor radio plays some tunes.

The yellow mid-century “banana vase” houses a miniature container garden of various plantings. This will be displayed in the kitchen.


The Blue Jay of Happiness quotes Mark Twain. “I am content to be a bric-a-bracker and a Ceramiker.”

About swabby429

An eclectic guy who likes to observe the world around him and comment about those observations.
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6 Responses to Using Planters …Floral Friday

  1. Excellent presentations. As for transistor radios: Are they still made? If so, do you know what type of battery they use?

  2. Love them all, but number three stands out to me 🙂 Maggie

  3. rkrontheroad says:

    As a Japan lover, the bonsai tugs at my heart.

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