On Watch Day 2024

Why wear a watch when your phone can give you the time? Jonathan’s nephew asked this after seeing me glance at my wrist for a quick time-check.

I answered that I don’t always carry a phone because they’re awkward to stow away when I’m on the go. Also, consulting a phone still requires a person to do something to see the time. Mainly, I prefer watches over phones for timekeeping; so I don’t really need another reason. Jonathan gave me a knowing smile and remarked to his nephew, “I told you he’d say that.” My friend is also a watch geek. His opinion about watches pretty much coincides with mine.

In addition to being practical, they make a fashion statement, too. Over the years, watches have adorned the wrists or pockets of people from various backgrounds. People from laborers to world leaders have worn them. Even the Dalai Lama enjoys watches and sometimes tinkers with their inner works.

I like timepieces in general–be they tower clocks, wall clocks, or watches. I’ve been fascinated by them since childhood. Perhaps I should have taken up watchmaking as a profession. It doesn’t matter if they have a mechanical movement or if it is high-tech, digital, watches more or less get equal billing.

This enjoyment of timepieces has been reinforced by the joy of punctuality. I like to be on time or slightly early to appointments and dates. Knowing that I won’t inconvenience someone by having them wait for me is a good feeling. To accomodate the friends who do not prioritize punctuality, I use the watch to determine when to be “fashionably late”. I get antsy if that is more than ten-minutes, though. That said, if someone requests my presence at “around noonish”, they know I will see them a few minutes before twelve o’clock. (No, I’m not one of those people who shows up half-an-hour before a date.)

One other reason punctuality was drilled into my personality, is that precise timing was required in my job as a media worker. My shows had to begin and end at exact times. Various aspects of the shift like news network joins and commercial breaks had to occur at mandatory, specified times. Once these necessary habits are engrained, it is difficult to unlearn them. Regardless of circumstances, I personally do not wish to unlearn a habit that has served me well.

During outdoors chores like mowing the yard, I wear a cheap digital watch. This helps in pacing my efforts. Considering the heat and humidity of summer, I must take frequent rest breaks for health reasons. A glance at the watch informs me how long I’ve been working. I then take a five or ten minute pause and a drink of water, then go back to mowing. I suppose a smartwatch could fill this purpose, but those require extra manipulation and shade to see the display.

Regardless of work or retirement, wearing a watch completes my “look”. Although I do not own an expensive luxury brand watch, the inexpensive timepieces serve the same functions. I feel undressed without a watch. I even wear a smartwatch to bed at night to monitor sleep. Some people believe this enjoyment of timepieces is silly or borderline crazy. That’s OK, because I do not claim to be a normal man.

Happy National Watch Day. If you have a watch, today’s the day to wear and enjoy it.


The Blue Jay of Happiness likes this anonymous quote: “Watches are so named as a reminder–if you don’t watch carefully what you do with your time it can slip away from you.”

About swabby429

An eclectic guy who likes to observe the world around him and comment about those observations.
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9 Responses to On Watch Day 2024

  1. Susan Taylor says:

    the siren call of my apple watch turned me away from the beautiful wittnauer watch friend husband gifted to me back in 1996. it is only recently that the apple watch has been relegated to its proper place, and i wear it only on days i workout. the rest of the time, this item on my wrist tells me the time with a glance at its beautiful face.

  2. Congratulations on your love of watches and punctuality. I wore a watch before cell phones and still do occasionally. You are exactly correct about their advantages over phones. Happy Watch Day!

  3. Happy Watch Day! I always wear a watch. I only have two that I regularly wear, one for exercise and one for daily use. To me it is a functional piece of jewelry and I feel lost when I don’t have one on. Maggie

  4. Bronlima says:

    I feel undressed without a watch!

  5. mandala56 says:

    My favorite watch is one from the 1940s. You have to shake it every morning to make it run and of course, it has to be re-set often. I usually wear a Timex Carriage watch, though, because the numbers are big and easy to read.
    My parents bought me my first watch when we were in Switzerland. I was 8 years old. So they knew how special watches were, too.

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