Living In Peace

At first glance, the subject of peace should be peaceful. However, it’s discomforting for people to have serious, peaceful discussions because much of the time, we are not at peace with ourselves. It’s similar to the scenario that loving oneself enables us to love others. So being at peace with ourselves allows us to better engage peacefully with others.

Just as we cannot force love, we cannot force peace. There have been countless peace treaties signed by adversaries only to be broken soon afterwards. We have the United Nations, which was conceived out of high, idealistic visions. But when push comes to shove, the UN only has very limited influence. These limitations are most apparent when superpowers are involved–which is often.

Regardless of how one feels and approaches the subject of peace, there will be disagreements about how to implement it. This is true on the individual and the global scales. Discussions where each others’ views are challenged are fraught with misunderstandings and much jockeying for power. Too often, peace settlements merely cover up the lingering contempt the disputing parties have for each other. Their resentments simmer until they boil over into more violence.

When we look closer, we notice that the warring parties suffer rebellious factions within themselves. Nations suffer domestic unrest and individuals suffer internally. The challenge is to grow together in ways that outweigh the contempt we have for ourselves and others.

In order for us to live in peace, we must realize that peace is a turnkey operation that depends upon peace within. Our inner peace helps foster external peace through our thoughts, words, and actions.


The Blue Jay of Happiness quotes American author, philosopher, and physician, Debasish Mridha. “If you want to live a peaceful life, let others live in peace.”

About swabby429

An eclectic guy who likes to observe the world around him and comment about those observations.
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2 Responses to Living In Peace

  1. The Kuzgov quote is a very powerful idea. Unfortunately those in power never strive to feel peaceful. Maggie

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