Make Life Beautiful

The journey of life consists of ups and downs with each of us living in unique ways. Our experiences bolster our personalities and play important roles in how we behave. How and upon what we focus our attention further influence our outlook on life and our goals. The manner in which we interact with the Earth, plants, animals, and people are connected with what we choose to believe and how we contemplate.

Even those who live under repressive regimes still have the freedom to choose their most sacred thoughts to ease them through life’s burdens and suffering. We all have the choice to promote harmful concepts or to build upon the beautiful and uplifting things we encounter.

We are free to take a few moments each day to feel gratitude and joy about even the most mundane aspects of our lives. These few moments multiply the hidden strength of the mind to bring more peace and joy to our awareness. This beauty energizes our abilities to navigate significant transitions and changes along our life paths. Our uplifting outlook is contagious and we are able to add beauty to the lives of others.

One need not be saccharine with toxic positivity to bring beauty and joy to the world. In fact, chirpy, cloying cheerfulness is off-putting to most people and causes the opposite of the intended effect. Real beauty is multifaceted with moments of profound sadness along with times of happiness. To remember the full spectrum of life’s challenges and rewards adds necessary depth to our lives. Deep beauty adds strength of character to enhance our thoughts and actions. It promotes authentic appreciation of the preciousness of life itself.

The successful life is not all about luxury consumer goods for show and tell. The successful life is when we have the inner treasures of satisfaction, peace, and love. Our rewards may or may not include luxury as well.

When we witness suffering and injustice, we have the choice to help alleviate pain and meaningfully address unfairness. To remain silent or apathetic is to allow ugliness to prevail. To make a habit of neglect allows decay of the mind and spirit to erode our inner beauty. Certainly life is difficult, but why allow it to become more harsh for oneself and others? Helpfulness and compassion are the flowering of spirit.

Today’s unofficial holiday is “Make Life Beautiful Day”. We can celebrate it as a reminder that we are free to enhance the beauty of the world around us and within us by living out of our inspiration and not our history. We need not make grand, showy gestures; sometimes a genuine smile and gentle encouragement go a long ways to uplift someone.


The Blue Jay of Happiness quotes 19th-20th century Indian spiritual master and fakir, Sai Baba of Shirdi. “Life is a song – sing it. Life is a game–play it. Life is a challenge–meet it. Life is a dream–realize it. Life is a sacrifice–offer it. Life is love–enjoy.”

About swabby429

An eclectic guy who likes to observe the world around him and comment about those observations.
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7 Responses to Make Life Beautiful

  1. Jane Fritz says:


  2. I didn’t know about a “Make Life Beautiful Day”, but I think it’s a great idea that can be expanded upon since you can celebrate this day every day πŸ™‚ Wonderful article – as always! πŸ™‚

  3. Bronlima says:

    There is beauty if only we open our eyes to see it!

  4. Thank you for a good post, and the quote from T.S. Eliot, and the gesture towards beautiful thoughts.

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